2023 International year of millet-benefits-recipes

Things to know about millets/benefits-recipes

Kodo millet

2023 is been announced as an international year of millet by United nations which is sponsored by Government of India.Main goal of this declaration is to increase the production of millet and to increase consumption of millet.Millets are type of cereals rich in vitamins, proteins, minerals.As people are getting more conscious about their health and moving towards plant based foods, millets are the best option available.There are more about 20 kinds of millets available in India. 

Some of these are mentioned below:

  • Finger millet(Ragi)
  • Foxtail millet(Kangni) 
  • Sorghum millet(Jowar) 
  • Buckwheat millet(Kuttu) 
  • Pearl millet(Bajra)
  • Kodo millet(harka) 

Benefits and nutritional value of millets

Helps in weight loss:Millet is considered as superfood for those who want to reduce the gain of extra fat. Including millets in your daily food intake can reduce your weight and gut health will be improved. 

Improves heart health:Millets are rich resources of many antioxidants such as flavonoids, tanninns, lignans,policosanols, beta glucans. So, help to decrease cholesterol levels,reduce heart disease and stroke. 

Improves digestion:Consumption of millet on daily basis can improve our digestive system. Reduce constipation, bloating, bowel functions will be improved by adding millet to your food regimen. 

Helps to fight against cancer cells:There are some phytochemicals present in millet through which it lowers the generation of cancer cells in liver, breast and colon.Some studies shown that millets like proso, foxtail can hinder the growth of cancer causing cells in the body. 

Helps to regulate blood sugar levels:Millet has low glycemic index as compared to wheat and it is gluten free. It has proteins, minerals, vitamins helps to control blood sugar levels. It improves insulin sensitivity and high in dietary fibre. So, including millet as a part of your diet can prevent increasing sugar levels. 

Some health care related recipes of millets shown below:

Ragi mudde:

Ragi mudde is a traditional dish of karnataka.This is prepared using ragi flour and water. It contains a lot of nutrients and enjoyed along with curry usually called as bassaru in karnataka. 

Ragi porridge:

Ragi porridge is also prepared using ragi flour, by adding ragi flour and water. It can be given to toddlers and kids. It helps in the brain and physical development of a child. Considered as a good diet for elderly people too. 

Ragi dosa:

Ragi dosa is prepared using ragi flour, rice flour, semolina and onions, coriander,green chillies can be added to give it a better taste. Served along with tomato chutney. It can be eaten as a breakfast which is a very good option to start your day with such a superfood. 

Ragi cookies:

Ragi cookies are prepared using ragi flour, jaggery, butter, baking powder,and vanilla essence can be added for flavor. These cookies are healthier option to have instead of cookies made with maida. These are also gluten free, can be included in the diet on daily basis.

Ragi keelsa:

Ragi keelsa is a traditional recipe prepared using ragi flour and jaggery. This sweet can be an alternative for other sweet dishes made using sugar. This is a great source of iron, calcium, potassium and zinc.

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